04 February 2009

Do we really HAVE to reach for the stars??

Ok, so, yesterday, I read about the lives of no less than 20 people--and not one of them was named Brangelina or TomKat--or should I say not two of them?! Though there was one kid who said he was in Drum Line. And, they had some interesting stories to tell, about their children, their lives, jobs, education, plans and goals. Why are we all so fascinated to hear about these "famous" people while we ignore all the great people around us? I opened up my home page--MSN--the other day, and there was a featured article about Sleep Secrets of the Stars...give me a break! First, we gotta hear about who's screwin' who and who's divorcin' who to marry who and what kind of ridiculous names they are givin' their kids--or the ones they illegally adopted from Africa. Now, we can't even figure out how to SLEEP without consulting the stars? And I don't mean Sagittarius or Orion or even taking the time to figure out if the moon is in the sky to figure out how and when to go to bed, no we gotta ask J.Lo?! The media is pulling a fast one on us and has been for years! We are all brainwashed, I swear! Remember Anna Nicole Smith? Not to knock the dead or anything, but nobody could STAND her--she was a gold-digger and a ho and her seriously old husband died and she got a bunch of money. So?? Then, one day, somebody decided to call her "America's Sweetheart" and for whatever reason, we bought it! Next thing I know, my mom's callin' me hourly givin' me updates on her health situation or the latest decision on which one of about 27 guys is the father of her baby! Do I care? She wasn't MY sweetheart--maybe everybody else's--and their brother's, uncle's and dad's too, but not mine! If you really want to know how all those famous people fall asleep, I'll tell you--they only smoke enough crack or sniff enough coke to last them 'til about noon the next day and then they crash hard--but it's Ok, cuz they got NANNY'S!! Oooh! I wanna be just like 'em, don't you?? How DID what's her name get her figure back after the twins?? She left the kids with that same nanny and hit the gym with her personal trainer--both of which she probably has in her basement. Guess how I got mine back? I chased my OWN kids around instead of payin' somebody else to do it!! It is way more fun than a treadmill, I promise! I absolutely refuse to model myself after somebody who has no morals or scruples just because they know how to laugh on cue! Shoot, I can do that! Give me a million dollars and I will gladly write a book on how to eat, sleep and diet! C'mon everybody--c'mon MOM--let's get some clues here!
Rumor has it that NBC is in sorta dire straits. The satellite companies have started signin' contracts with the cable companies to ban local stations from their broadcasting. Meanwhile, if you don't have satellite, you can't get local tv anyway ('cept with an overpriced converter). Wonder who George Bush has been sleepin' with to get him to pass THAT ridiculous law! I say we kick 'em while they're down! Let's make NBC do what WE want instead of the other way around! I am tired of other people deciding what I watch on tv, deciding whether or not I CAN watch tv--and trying to decide who my "sweetheart" might be! So, if you got any opinions about any of the programming, tell them! Did you notice they brought Medium back?? It's cuz people actually LIKED that show. Normally, they wouldn't care about something like that, but they are losing money and losing viewers and are beginning to cater to us consumers for once, so we should tell them what we want, it might not make any difference at all, but it sure might be a fun way to vent--and you can tell 'em Anna Nicole told you to do it, cuz that carries a lot more weight, you know! (And, when you're ALL done, go outside and start askin' your neighbors how they get to sleep--I'm sure the answers you get will be much more sound!)