27 February 2009

Two year olds and other people who want to rule the world!

Ok, so I have had this blog rollin' around in my head for a couple days cuz I am mad, mad, mad! So, I frequently find myself tellin' my five year old that she will never win an argument with a two-year-old, namely Damira--the Crazy Nut girl! And, while I risk further spoiling her, it is quite true! Two year olds do not lose arguments because they do not give up or back down or any other prepositional phrase you can come up with--they have chosen to be the rulers of their own world and no five year old is going to take THAT away from them! Whoever came up with the idea that "taking candy from babies" was easy clearly did not have children!
Ok, so, on to what has me sooo mad--I am currently at the mercy of someone who also wants to rule the world--namely, "the Humane Society guy"!! And, I am certainly trying to see the humaneness in this guy! Not to mention the humanity! As everyone who knows me knows, my husband is out of town and will definitely be back in a week. Meanwhile, I have been caring for HIS dog while he is gone. HIS dog from before we got married. So, sick pregnant me who fell down the stairs recently has been traipsing my not-too-happy little self out there every dang day to feed and water this dog, not to mention making numerous trips to the store to BUY the food, when I would much rather be recovering and staying out of the snow so this dang pneumonia will actually go AWAY before it kills me! So, now my battered, bruised and barely able to breathe self is being accused of being CRUEL to the dog because I can't prevent water from freezing in the winter-time?? Last nite, it was ten below and Lo and Behold--his water froze AGAIN!! Well, I just don't KNOW why I didn't prevent THAT from happening! Clearly, I should have went to the store and bought one of them electrical water buckets that plugs in to the exterior electrical outlet which ALL dog pens come equipped with so that his bucket can be a constant source of heat to keep the water from freezing and miraculously NOT getting hot or evaporating! Obviously, I must be a cheap skate because EVERYONE else in Omaha has a heated dog bucket for their dog, right?? So, simply going out there and pouring HOT water on top of the ice to melt it down for him IS NOT acceptable! No, I think we should write me up for cruelty and take the dog and euthanize him so he will no longer have to ENDURE such things!! That is the decent thing to do, obviously!! Yes, Humane Society Guy--you are exactly right!! Let's go over Angie's house and pound on all her doors for half an hour at least, once or twice each day for close to a week, and otherwise harrass and terrorize her for these EXTREME acts of cruelty to animals!! A decent woman would NOT allow water to freeze just because it is below zero! We just cannot allow this to continue for another 7 days!!

23 February 2009

Stupid Blogger!

So, this is for Kirsten concerning her plea for advice in the Great Diaper Dilemma--since your page won't let me post any comments right now and I am seriously too tired to wait, here ya go:
Wow--diapers--first you are quite right about Huggies--and they leave that weird film on their skin and make 'em smell funny, plus, if they sleep all nite, you'll find that the gel stuff from inside has worked it's way out--so, yeah! I think Luv's are better than both Huggies and Pampers, but I usually go with Walgreen's or Wal-mart brands, honestly! And, sizes, hmmm, yes they are weird. Just like there is a huge difference between N and 1, there is almost no difference between 2 and 3 and usually, you will find the kids out-pee the diapers before they actually outgrow them, so they will be waking up wet and you will be forced to go up a size--so that too-big-diaper thing is something we just kinda gotta deal with. All I can suggest is that the store-brand diapers sometimes run a bit smaller--but not always--and they are store-brand! Another trick is to fold the top of the diaper down inside--not out, definitely NOT out!
And, I gotta also say--I thought I was the last surviving Shaggy fan! (That is one of my husband's songs to me!) Well, good luck on the diaper dilemma!