08 March 2009

Happy, Happy Birthday, Baby!

Hey! Well, Twinkle Toes will be one year old on the 16th! So, this is in honor of Twinkle Toes aka Danica!
She is getting bigger by the day! She has recently started standing up without holding on and even getting into a standing position without any help! She loves to dance or bop her head to the music and yells "Aaaah! Aaaah! Aaaah!" She is starting to repeat sounds/simple words after she hears them. She is just adorable and has so much personality! She is always smiling and loves to "tackle" the older kids and follow them around. She can go pretty much anywhere--and, since Damira can now open the kitchen door for her, she has access to areas of the house the other children never did! Isn't SHE lucky?! She isn't feeling too well this past couple days--I think she may have RSV--no emergency symptoms so far, which is a relief, but she has a bit of a fever, diarrhea and a bad cough and wheezing--but she is still happy and playful, despite not getting sound sleep, even! She doesn't much care for her breathing treatments, but we just sing her "Twinkle Twinkle Little Toes" song and she quiets right down! She loves to be sang to--by anyone--and really gets goin' when the other kids dance around and sing! Her hair is really growin' fast all the sudden, too and she is getting those darling little corkscrew curls like Crazy Nut has! She is just so cute and funny and cuddly! Last night, she fell asleep in my arms, just like when she was a tiny baby! So, we are gearing up to go off formula and give the soy milk a try--and turn her car seat around--yay! Her dad insists that she will learn to walk in the next 9 days! Normally, I would laugh this off, but he made the same prediction about 2 weeks before Damira's first birthday, and I'll be darned if she didn't do it, so, we'll have to wait and see! We've been havin' a bit of warm weather--well, until today, that is--but she loves to stand at the screen door and watch the big kids outside! She is just a very happy, bright charming, adorable little baby with a big, giant smile, but around here, that's too be expected! Happy Birthday, Twinkle Toes!!
Love, Mommy


karenstacy said...

I am so happy to hear that she is doing well!
Happy birthday baby girl!

angellewingz said...

Hey,Mom I love the colors of your blog just add some gold. Love,Tejani