19 May 2009

New Baby!!

Karenina Anais came this morning at 7:04, finally! She weighed in at 6#13.4 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long! I always say, when I have another girl, I don't know whether to be surprised or not anymore...well, now I say, I was DEFINITELY surprised! But, she is absolutely adorable!!! Talk to y'all soon!

17 May 2009

Please translate this into English for me...

Ok, so I am now in a class with people who are in their FIFTH year of college and I often wonder which of them are actually active alcoholics and which ones simply forgot to turn on their spell-checkers! So, in honor of my very studious classmates, I have decided the best way to share these entertaining moments is with "Quote of the Week" which will be located on the lower center of this page.
So, to get the ball rolling, here is a sample of this week's rough draft for our "Intro"--feel free to share your comments on how YOU would word this sentence appropriately...I am dying to see what other people will come up with. Trust me, it wasn't as easy as it may sound...

"The factors that contribute to the issues and problems society have been plagued with are the social context of the area and crime, the intellectual context and local crime, the areas that surround these cities;urban and suburbs the use of land and it's value how people get around, and the zones of transition and hot spot crime areas in the states, cities, and communities American's live in."

I hope you all enjoy this week's quote, too!